Thursday, September 16, 2010


Macie was a real chipmunk hunter
Scott and Shadow Fishing



Brian & Kara said...

Come on, you didn't grunt in that cast! You are kind of smirking in it though. ;)

MJP said...

I grunt alot now. Look how big my stomach is.

Brian & Kara said...

I don't think it's that big. I bet it feels like it though and it must be strange, a little bit, seeing yourself change. I bet it will get really big in the next couple of months! It's exciting. ;)

Kylee and Rachel

Kylee and Rachel
We made Gingerbread Christmas trees this year instead of the traditional Gingerbread house

Leelou Blogs


This is at the beginning of our little project

Water Wheel

Water Wheel
Here is our little functioning water wheel. I love it.

My Grandma's snowman candle scene and angels. I think this was my favorite decoration of hers.

Soccer and snow

Soccer and snow
Here I am being a good coach. I can tie a pretty mean shoe.


Bailey was the lucky girl to find the Easter Egg hidden in a "fresh pile". He tends to do that every year!

Grandpa and Ben

Grandpa and Ben
This is on Easter day, Ben loves hangin' with Grandpa

He's so excited!!

Scott and Marjean April 22nd, 2006

Scott and Marjean April 22nd, 2006
Two hearts made one

Mom, Dad and I

Mom, Dad and I

The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party
Here we all are.


Looks like we hid Jessica's tummy in this one.

Jessica & Tex

Jessica & Tex
Remember life with out Grayson, this is about a month before he joined us.

Kara & Marjean

Kara & Marjean
I must not have my shoes on yet, I don't think Kara towers over me in real life.